35. capricorn. tree-hugger.
what’s up with the birds on your patio?
I was doing a spring clean on the balcony and lifted the bench outside, underneath there was a nest with a tiny blue egg. Then there was nothing more for a couple of days and the mom seemed to have left, but then suddenly there were two more eggs, then four, and eventually three of them ended up hatching. They like to eat sunflower seeds, that’s a hit, while Ryvita crackers are often left alone.
YoU livE quite rural.

i brought a friend to tyresta
national park and started hugging.
but You have the aura of someone who rides bareback into the sunset. you also hug trees — how did that start?
I love that you would go that far when you’ve got trees right outside.

you’ve tested a number of alternative therapies, what’s worked best for you and what’s the strangest thing you’ve tried?
At first I wanted her to make contact with my dad, but then it developed into a kind of therapy. Vanessa is the one who recommended me to go to Pia, who I’ve now been a regular client with for many years. It's like massage therapy. What appeals to me about this kind of therapy is that it does not get flat or one-dimensional. It helped me to not go so much to my head for answers, but to work with the body and let it speak.
A few years later I was considering where to go on holiday, and suddenly I get a text from Vanessa, who I hadn’t talked to in a long time. She told me that she’d received a strong indication that I should go to India.
First I went to Goa with a friend, and then went on my own and had the classic India journey cliché that changed my life. That was when I met Mooji, who is a very wise man. Now whenever I go to India, I go for four to five week periods with large groups of people, all sitting with Mooji. It’s something around 1,700 people.

it was such a powerful
experience that i just cried.
what does that energy feel like when there are so many people meditating in one room. does it make it hard to feel centred within yourself?

WHow did Oqma come to be?
is there a philosophy behind the salon?
How did you develop the interior?

(1) oqma interior. (2) oqma logo. (3) blur album cover.
One thing you’ve become known for is how you cut a mullet.
how often should we wash our hair?

How did you find your flat and when did you move in?
If you were to choose a song that has an energy like your home, what would it be?
What is home to you, what brings that feeling?
it felt like the last squeeze
of a kalles kaviar tube.
Do you have any rituals?
Often in the morning I sit down to meditate, just to check in. And in the evening I practice gratitude for the day that I have had before I go to bed.
During the pandemic I noticed people tended to complain, fret the small stuff and focus on negativity. We all have issues we go through, but instead of focusing on the negative, it helps to redirect the focus to the positive impact it has also had. It changes the vibration in the body a lot.

grandpa was an atheist.
Did you get your spirituality from home?

do you see a big difference between STOCKHOLM and Northern Sweden, where you grew up?
What are some of your favourite spots IN AND AROUND TOWN?
I feel most comfortable at home, at work and at a meditation group that I’m part of—we see each other every Sunday. I also like spending time at my friend Fangssong’s restaurant Peony near Globen, they have great Chinese food.
COW is a recurring place, scent is important to me. Even how someone smells without extra scent, how ones breath or skinn smells like. I love perfumes. With the previous perfume I bought, the goal was to smell a bit like a My Little Pony that I had when I was little, like plastic. When I go there I come with a feeling of something that I want to recreate. Once I’m done with a scent I have a hard time going back to it. The smell of a really greasy scalp and then add the smell that gets stuck in your hair and clothes after frying is the worst smell, after a dead rat.
the goal was to smell a bit
like my little pony, like plastic.

Another place you spend a lot of time is at Studio Orm, a small pilates studio. Tell us about your practice.
For me pilates it’s like deep diving within. I believe that our belief systems affect our self image which affects our posture, how we move and carry ourselves, reacts and so on. With pilates I get access to places in the body to work with not only physically but also on a deeper level. You start from the inside, with your core and working your way out. It’s like you’re a flower, blooming. Such power! I have never been this dedicated to any form of exercise before.
It’s hard not to notice the panties on the wall, what does the piece represent to you?
Marry: Myslef, maybe a little cheesy. Woody Harrelson!
Snog: Everything you can taste in life without losing yourself ;) ✺
Produced in the Kingdom of Sweden
Typeset in Condensa by Jonathon Yule and Century Schoolbook by Linn Boyd & Morris Fuller Benton
Hermit is Hélène Kugelberg, Elise Haugslett, Colin Bergh
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