Björn Yes, the dough needs bubbles.
Märta Baking sourdough specifically. I did this loaf today, but it didn’t crack the way it’s supposed to. I became obsessed with baking when I was on maternity leave, which also coincided with the pandemic, when everyone started baking. I had never baked bread before, but I thought sourdough was fun and it tastes good. You can follow a recipe, but there’s also no recipe, it’s more of an intuitive process in a way. It feels magical, like this ancient knowledge—just flour, water and salt.
Sophie Märta loves to geek out on the different types of flour, she even got her own mill. Right now it’s a challenging baking period, in that it doesn’t turn out the way she wants.
Sophie Märta loves to geek out on the different types of flour, she even got her own mill. Right now it’s a challenging baking period, in that it doesn’t turn out the way she wants.
Märta I want more air pockets. The kitchen used to be my safe space, but now that Björn has gotten involved it’s more stressful. He’ll wake up in the morning and just say: dega! (Swedish for ‘baking’).

Sophie He also learns a lot! Today he told me that when he touches the dough, the hands need to be wet otherwise the dough will stick.
Sophie When Märta is shooting me, I don’t notice it so much, as I’m so used to it. But having you around makes me sweat!
Märta Through work. Sophie was a producer at the production company I was with and we got together at a Christmas party six years ago. At first I was hesitant as we’d be working together. But it was the right timing, and we also had a lot of mutual friends, we had both worked on ourselves.
Märta I actually had this therapy session in October before we met, I wrote down that my therapist said I was ready to meet someone. But I also somehow think that watching all the episodes of Skam released something that was locked up in me. It was also in December, which is a nice time to meet someone.

Märta It was a very stark change of pace in life.
Sophie When we met we had very different approaches to motherhood. Märta always wanted to be a mother and I was a bit more hesitant.
Märta I was already in the process of becoming a mother, a bit older and had decided that I wanted to have a kid.
Sophie When we met we had very different approaches to motherhood. Märta always wanted to be a mother and I was a bit more hesitant.
Märta I was already in the process of becoming a mother, a bit older and had decided that I wanted to have a kid.
Märta That’s an ongoing question. You never regret it, but life would be completely different. Being a mother when you are a bit older is a big change, not having the same independence. But I also love it! I needed a change and a pause from partying. Now my life revolves around something else.

Sophie It was a big decision. I never really longed for kids, but always thought I would regret it if I didn’t have children. If I hadn’t met Märta I would have waited longer. But I knew I wanted to be with her and she had already started the process.
Märta It has changed me a lot, becoming less selfish, but at the same time taking better care of myself. It made me more introverted in a way, but I also had Björn in the middle of the pandemic. It was good for me, since I suffer from FOMO and I was just focusing on Björn.

Märta Kulturhuset is mighty and cool, I would often go there to watch people. It feels very like Stockholm, in the middle of the city and very accessible, which also feels very Swedish. Another place I like is Ninja Bar. I have a friend who is a chef there. I love the food and the unpretentious vibe! I also like Svedjans bakery a lot!

Märta When I started I wanted to be like the guys. As a teenager I wanted to be a skaterboy with dreadlocks, baggy jeans and a Hawaiian shirt. So that was my way of testing who I wanted to be and also with photography. The photography that I saw was made by men. That’s also why it was such a big thing for me when I started to dig through the history of photography and found Nan Goldin and Corinne Day, who used photography the same way I wanted to, using friends and family and the community around them.
As a teenager, I was always the one with the camera. I was a bit shy and wanted to be a creative, but couldn’t paint or sing. Photography was alluring because it was this male profession, and my dad and uncles were always interested in photography. I saw it as a ticket out of the countryside where I grew up, that would allow me to see exciting things and meet interesting people. So I started to take pictures of friends and did photography in high school, where I found more like-minded people.

Märta I wouldn’t have said that then, but looking back I think that I was, that I didn’t fit. I always had friends, but I was somewhat of a chameleon.
Märta I am still like that, move in different social sets. I am almost trained from my background to be with different kinds of people and ease into different groups, but always still from an outsider’s perspective and with a camera in hand, that creates almost like a distance.

Märta Hiding and an excuse for not taking that much space, communicating that in a different way. I’m not comfortable with being the centre of attention. I was at the Nan Goldin talk the other week, it was the fourth time that I’ve seen her and this time she seemed really happy. She also talked about taking pictures because she was shy, how it became a way to approach people. My first camera was a snapshot camera and I was interested in what it wasn’t supposed to be, the anti-aesthetics, a lot of flash. My family would say it was ugly, but I find it beautiful.

Märta I find it interesting to make something boring beautiful, using the camera to see things in a different way, in that specific moment in time. That also helps with the flash, it often brings out something that is not always visible, a movement or colours, or just a reaction on a face. I like to come to a room and not be prepared and make the best of it, almost like a challenge. That’s something I love about my job, making something from what’s there.
Märta That is really hard for me, as I hate doing moodboards, providing the image that matches the reference. This way of art directing is too forced and tends to dilute the end result.

Märta Yeah, I’m noticing a fatigue almost. People are longing to do their own creative projects, outside of the feed. A year ago I had a period of feeling like an imposter and wanting to give up everything to become a baker.
Märta Yeah, there could also be the lack of role models to look towards. I’m 42 and there just aren’t that many women photographers in their 50s or 60s left. I also work in a business where youth is everything, and relevance matters. Also in Stockholm there is only space for two to three photographers at a time, there’s an element of newness to it as well.
Märta I love to meet interesting people and that’s why I wanted to become a photographer because I knew the camera would be a ticket to interesting communities and encounters. I learn so much from the talks and the interaction, and then I get a kick out of being shy and pulling it off. I also meet equals, I’m usually nervous and so is my subject, and we meet in that space, which is really cool.

Märta If you want to capture a person, it would be where that person feels comfortable and in a mindset that expresses something. It could also be about making someone look good or interesting. What I like is when it’s not too perfect, when someone is a bit off. Maybe I’m also drawn to people who stand out and have a lot of personality and integrity, who are brave and opinionated.
Märta That’s really true and it’s a struggle. It was really easy ten years ago, while now with the selfie cameras people are so used to seeing themselves from a certain angle.
Märta People would probably see my work and think that they wouldn’t want to be depicted by me.
Märta I can totally understand it, I am not sure if I would be comfortable being photographed by me, it is like CBT in a way. Maybe it is too honest or too realistic in a way. I also try to flatter, but I don’t retouch to make you look younger.

Märta I’m very old school like that, I have my gurus in documentary photography that talk about getting closer and to challenge yourself to stay in an uncomfortable situation, since I’m a shy person who finds it uncomfortable and who’s always nervous. I think that’s a nerve that’s good for the pictures.
Märta It’s good for the session that there’s a tension. It’s not an easy thing. Friction is needed to make it interesting.
Märta It’s a weird situation. And it’s nice to be able to see that vulnerability and have a camera to capture that moment.

Märta It is harder. I stopped taking pictures of friends—I only take pictures of Sophie and Björn now. I somehow feel like there is this need to be me in those relationships, that I didn’t use them in some way, I’m not into that. The need to be more in the moment and not thinking that the situation would make a good picture. My next plan is to do scheduled sessions with friends. Now that life has changed, those moments aren’t really there anymore.
Märta For me it’s about longing to connect, for intimacy. I’m still very proud of it, the selection and edit and how it came out. The title is maybe bad, because people have asked me whether they are all pictures from going out. All these people have been close to me and there’s consent, they’re not just random people.

Märta Some are really good and it is somehow the perfect street style photography. I couldn’t do it myself, I’m like a vampire, I have to be invited to take a picture. Only a few times in my life have I stopped someone on the street. But that is also what makes me feel like I’m a bad photographer, the fact that I can’t approach someone I see in passing. I could do it, but what would I do with that picture, it just doesn’t fit with my context. I could do it, if I was shooting within a community, but the context give it a story and an agreement in a way. Shooting people outside has also never been my thing.
Märta I like nature, but I don’t like busy backgrounds, and find blue skies and green trees boring, but if you shoot someone against a white wall it can be anywhere in the world. I like not giving too much information away, that it is almost flat. ❥

people at home
magnus märta yuki & helen r:sdesign alex colin ursula militza & elis johannes tora isak & malin oscar
magnus märta yuki & helen r:sdesign alex colin ursula militza & elis johannes tora isak & malin oscar
Produced in the Kingdom of Sweden
Typeset in Condensa by Jonathon Yule and Century Schoolbook by Linn Boyd & Morris Fuller Benton
Hermit is Hélène Kugelberg, Elise Haugslett, Colin Bergh
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